Happy New Year!

Za nami świąteczny czas, pełen rodzinnych spotkań i zasłużonego odpoczynku. Mamy nadzieję, że Święta upłynęły Wam w radosnej atmosferze, a teraz możecie cieszyć się chwilami relaksu i regeneracji. Z całego serca życzymy Wam szczęśliwego Nowego Roku!

Dear Customers,

The holiday season is behind us, full of family gatherings and well-deserved rest. We hope that the holidays passed in a joyful atmosphere for you, and now you can enjoy moments of relaxation and regeneration. We wish you a Happy New Year with all our hearts!

On the occasion of the New Year, we wish you prosperity, success and continuous development of your businesses. May the coming months bring you a lot of satisfaction from the projects you implement, and every day be full of inspiration and new opportunities.

If you enjoy winter activities such as skiing or snowboarding, we wish you great fun and – most importantly – a safe return to your daily duties. May everything go according to your wishes in the New Year – both at work and in your private life.

We remind you that our store remains closed until January 7. We will be back soon with renewed energy to continue supporting you in achieving your goals and providing the best products for your daily tasks.

Thank you for your trust and cooperation so far. You are our greatest motivation to act!

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With respect,
Our store team

  • 📧e-mail PL/ENG/DE: sklep@toro-tec.pl
  • 📧e-mail CZ: obchod@toro-tec.pl
  • 📞PL/ENG: +48 603 965 003
  • 📞CZ: +420 577 019 482